ClearTech SDS



Acetic Acid 5-10%

Acetic Acid 25%

Acetic Acid 50-80% (English | French)

Acetic Acid, Glacial (English | French)


Algysolve 2250

Aluminum Sulphate, Granular (English | French)

Aluminum Sulphate Solution (English | French)

Ammonium Bicarbonate

Ammonium Bisulphite 62% Solution, Catalyzed

Ammonium Bisulphite 70% Solution

Ammonium Chloride

Ammonium Hydroxide Solution 3%

Ammonium Hydroxide Solution 19-35% (English | French)

Ammonium Sulphate (Aqua Aide)

Ammonium Sulphate Solution

Anthium Dioxcide

Anthracite, coal (EnglishFrench)

AQUA Wham-0


Battery Acid (English | French)

Bentonite, Extra High Yield

Bentonite, Premium Gel

Benzyl Alcohol

BioClear Block

BioClear Liquid

BioClear LS

BioClear ML


Boric Acid 99%


Calcite Media / Calcium Carbonate (English | French)

Calcium Bromide Solution

Calcium Chloride (All grades) (English | French)

Calcium Chloride 35% Solution

Calcium Formate

Calcium Hydroxide (Hydrated Lime)

Calcium Hypochlorite, Chlortabs HTH

Calcium Hypochlorite HTH, Granular (English | French)

Calcium Hypochlorite (Bio Sanitizer)

Calcium Nitrate Tetrahydrate

Calcium Peroxide

Calcium Thiosulphate, Captor 30% Solution, NSF (English | French)

Carbon, Activated - All Grades (EnglishFrench)

Catalyzed Hydrazine 35%

Celatom Swimming Pool

Cellulose (English | French)


Chlorine (French)

Citric Acid 50% Inhibited

Citric Acid Solution (English | French)

Citric Acid Anhydrous


ClearBase 31NK

ClearBase 46

ClearBase GF

ClearClean 75

ClearClean BR10

ClearFloc A70PD

ClearFloc ACHitosan

ClearFloc AE Series

ClearFloc AP Series

ClearFloc BL4600

ClearFloc CE Series (English | French)

ClearFloc Chitosan 1-2%

ClearFloc Chitosan 10%

ClearFloc CP Series (English | French)

ClearFloc NE0055

ClearFloc NP0065

ClearFoam 0187

ClearFoam 0232 (English | French)

ClearFoam 0269

ClearFoam 3132

ClearFoam 3412

ClearFoam 4761

ClearFoam 7111

ClearGreen MC

ClearHib 4 (English | French)

ClearHib 5 (English | French)

ClearHib 9

ClearHib 11SDW

ClearHib 164

ClearHib 445

ClearHib 1000 Antiscalant (English | French)

ClearHib 2000 Antiscalant

ClearHib 3100 Antiscalant

ClearHib FFA-1

ClearMem 610

ClearMem 2000

ClearMem 2500

ClearMem 3000

ClearMem 3500

ClearMem 4000

ClearPAC Series (English | French)

ClearPAC 180 Series (English | French)

ClearPAC 180-30

ClearSan THPS

ClearSonic BH

ClearSurf AOS

ClearSurf AOS Powder

ClearSurf APG810

ClearSurf APG814

ClearSurf BAC80

ClearSurf CAPB

ClearSurf CDEA

ClearSurf LABSA

ClearSurf LABSA S90

ClearSurf LAO

ClearSurf SCS40

ClearSurf SLES 3EO 60% (English | French)

ClearSurf SLES EO 70 Series

ClearSurf SLS 30

ClearSurf SXS40

ClearTech pH Down

ClearWash HS

Cobalt Solution (Cobalt Sulphate)

Concrete Clear

Copper Sulphate (English | French)

CTI 4900 Series (English | French)

CTI 4954 (English | French)

CTI CL Series (Enlgish | French)
CL2410, CL2420, CL2425, CL4425, CL5832

CTI OdorClear CNS (English | French)

Cyanuric Acid (EnglishFrench)


Descaler 140

Diatomaceous Earth (Swimming Pool Grade)

DryTec Briquettes


Elsro RC1100 Rubberized Crack Filler

Enviroredi Dechlorination Tablets (English | French)

Envirofloc, Calcium Nitrate

Ethylene Diamine Tetraacetic Acid (EDTA)

Ethylene Glycol

Ethylene Glycol, Inhibited


Ferric Chloride Solution

Ferric Chloride Liquid (French)

Ferric Sulphate Solution 60% (English | French)

Ferrous Sulphate

FilterClean A (English | French)

FilterClean F (English | French)

FilterClean IC

Filter Sand and Gravel

Filtra KAL

FloMag PWT 6x16

Floquat FL 4540 PWG Polymer

Fluorosilicic Acid

Fluorosilicic Acid (French)

Foam Gone

Formic Acid 84.5%

Formic Acid, Inhibited E84


Genesol 38 (English | French)

Genesol 701

Genesol 704 (English | French)

Genesys LF (English | French)

Genesys MP

Genesys RC

Genesys SW

Glycerine 99.5% Tech Grade

Glycerin, Crude

Glycol Ether DB

Glycol Ether DPM (English | French)

Glycolic Acid



HTH Extra Dry Chlorine Granular

HTH Extra Dry Chlorine Granular (French)

Hydrated Lime (Calcium Hydroxide)

Hydrazine 35%

Hydrochloric Acid 1-9%

Hydrochloric Acid 10-35% (English | French)

Hydrochloric Acid Inhibited (EnglishFrench)

Hydrochloric Acid, Inhibited SK2020

Hydrogen Peroxide 1-7%

Hydrogen Peroxide 10-15%

Hydrogen Peroxide 20-50%, All Grades (English | French)

Hyhydrat 55% Cat.LC Hydrazine Solution

Hypochlor 3-6 (English | French)

Hypochlor 12-16 (English | French)


Instant Road Repair: Fine and Regular

Isopropyl Alcohol 70%

Isopropyl Alcohol (>99%)




Lactic Acid

Lead Washers

Lewatit CNP 80

Lewatit CNP 80 WS

Lewatit IN 42

Lewatit MonoPlus M600

Lewatit MonoPlus M800

Lewatit MonoPlus MP64

Lewatit MonoPlus S 108

Lewatit MonoPlus S 1567

Lewatit MonoPlus TP 208

Lewatit S 1467

Lime Clear

Lime Clear (French)


Magnesium Chloride Flake (English | French)

Magnesium Oxide, NSF® - 60, FloMag PWT 6 X 16

Magnesium Sulphate (English | French)

Manganese Greensand Plus

Manganese Sulphate

Microsand Clearflo DW

Mold Gone

Monosodium Phosphate




Nitric Acid 38% Solution

Nitric Acid 68% Solution

Nitro Clean Concrete Cleaner (English | French)

N-Methyl-2-Pyrrolidone (English | French)

Non-Ethcing Aluminum Brightener


O’B Hibit

Oxalic Acid (English | French)



Peracetic Acid 5%


pH/ORP Electrode Cleaning Solution

pH/ORP Electrode Cleaning Solution (French)

pH Buffer 4 (English | French)

pH Buffer 7 (English | French)
pH Buffer 10 (English | French)

Phosphoric Acid 40-85% (English | French)

Phosphoric Acid, Inhibited B75 (English | French)




Potassium Acetate 50%

Potassium Bicarbonate

Potassium Carbonate, Solid

Potassium Carbonate, Solution

Potassium Chloride

Potassium Chloride 23% Solution

Potassium Hydroxide 45% Solution (English | French)

Potassium Hydroxide 90% Flake

Potassium Permanganate

Potassium Permanganate (French)


PRE-CO-FLOC (French)

Pro Chlor Tablets, Calcium Hypochlorite

Propylene Glycol (English | French)

Propylene Glycol 50%

Propylene Glycol, Inhibited



Resinex A-4

Resinex A-4 OH

Resinex AB-1

Resinex K, KW series

Resinex KH

Resinex MX-1, Resinex MX-11

Road marking paint (white, oil based)

Road marking paint (white, water based)

Road marking paint (yellow, oil based)

Road marking paint (yellow, water based)

Romax 7300


Safety Clean Acid (English | French)

Safety Clean Acid 15 (English | French)

Silicone Fluid

Silver Sulphate

SK3 Blue Septic Klean

Soda Ash: Sodium Carbonate, All Grades (English | French)

Soda Ash 15%, Solution

Sodium Acid Pyrophosphate FG

Sodium Aluminate

Sodium Bicarbonate (English | French)

Sodium Bisulphate Solid

Sodium Bisulphate Solution 25-33%

Sodium Bisulphite 35-40% Solution (English | French)

Sodium Bisulphite 38% Solution, Catalyzed (English | French)

Sodium Carbonate, All grades (English | French)

Sodium Carbonate Peroxyhdrate

Sodium Carboxymethyl Cellulose (CMC)

Sodium Chloride (All grades)

Sodium Chloride Solution

Sodium Chlorite 80K Powder

Sodium Chlorite 5-10% Solution

Sodium Chlorite 25-32% Solution

Sodium Chlorite Solution (French)

Sodium Gluconate (English | French)

Sodium Hexametaphosphate

Sodium Hydrosulphite

Sodium Hydrosulphite (French)

Sodium Hydroxide Solution (English | French)

Sodium Hydroxide, Solid (Beads)

Sodium Hydroxide, solid (French)

Sodium Hypochlorite 3-6% (English | French)

Sodium Hypochlorite 12-16% (English | French)

Sodium Lauryl Sulfate

Sodium Metabisulphite (English | French)

Sodium Metabisulphite Solution (English | French)

Sodium Metabisulphite Solution, Catalyzed (English | French)

Sodium Metasilicate (anhydrous and pentahydrate)

Sodium Molybdate Dihydrate

Sodium Nitrate

Sodium Nitrite

Sodium Percarbonate

Sodium Phosphate, Dibasic

Sodium Sesquicarbonate

Sodium Silicate, Solution

Sodium Silicofluoride

Sodium Sulphate 15%

Sodium Sulphate, Solid

Sodium Sulphide Flake

Sodium Sulphite (English | French)

Sodium Sulphite, Catalyzed (English | French)

Sodium Sulphite Solution

Sodium Thiosulphate (English | French)

Sodium Tripolyphosphate (All Grades)

Sulphamic Acid (English | French)

Sulphamic Acid Solution 15%

Sulphamic Acid Solution, Inhibited

Sulphuric Acid 1%

Sulphuric Acid 7.5%

Sulphuric Acid 10%

Sulphuric Acid 20-50%

Sulphuric Acid 51-98% (English | French)

Suppressor 1157

Suppressor 1310

Suppressor 2360

Suppressor 3112 SP

Suppressor 3120

Suppressor 3120 (French)

Suppressor 3415

Suppressor 3579

Suppressor 3579 (French)

Suppressor 3588


Tabex Chlorinating Pucks

Tabex Shock ‘n Swim

TANKHERO Alkaline Cleaner II

TANKHERO All-Purpose Cleaner

Tetrapotassium Pyrophosphate

Tetrapotassium Pyrophosphate 60% Solution

Tetrasodium Ethylenediaminetetraacetate

Trisodium Citrate Dihydrate (English | French)

Trisodium Phosphate (English | French)

Trisodium Phosphate Solution 5%


Universal Indicator Strips pH 0 – pH 14

Urea, solid

Urea 40-50%




VTA Nanofloc A 644 (English | French)


Walnut Shell Medium (all grades)




Zinc Chloride Anhydrous

Zinc Chloride 62.5% Solution

Zinc Sulphate

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